Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Happy almost 2009 everyone! Is everyone making their resolutions for the new year? Many people make resolutions about finances, organization, family, friends, and exercise, but what about the environment?

Here I've compiled some of my old posts that are easy changes you can use as a simple resolution to better the environment. Some of them are so easy, you could probably pick two or three! Maybe choose one from each category, or challenge a friend to accomplish one of these tasks for a year!


What other resolutions have you made for next year?
Have a safe and happy New Year, everyone! I will see you next year!

This image is from GPS magazine.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my site and adding me to your blogroll! Your site is great too. Good ideas for new year's resolutions. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting!